Monday, June 7, 2010

Prevention is better than Cure

The Epidemiology Unit of the Health Ministry has warned that the number of dengue cases is expected to rise in the coming months with the onset of rains while the number of dengue cases reported this year has risen to 14,284 and the number of deaths to 85.

A presidential task force has been set up to control the dengue menace and it has the authority to fine those found guilty of violating the Mosquito Breeding Control Act of 2009. The task force has identified dengue high risk zones in the country and among them are Kandy and Kundasale. 

In line with the guidelines from relevant authorities, Mr. Lalith Wijesingha, the President of HOA initiated the “Control the Breeding of Dengue Mosquitoes” project within Victoria Range in May 2010. Mr. Cassim Nazar, Mr. Joe Fernando, Mr. Carupiah Soundararaj, Mrs. Asoka Pilapitiya and Mr. Kumara Badhuge have volunteered their service for the activities.
On 5 June 2010, the Project Team with the Nivasie Services held a seminar on “Dengue Prevention” for the gardeners, caretakers and the maintenance staff in Victoria Range. Dr. A. A. Chandrajayantha, MOH, Digana presented the seminar to an audience of over 30 men and women. Mr. A. D. Bandara, Public Health Inspector, Mr. Kularathne, Site Manager, Victoria Range,  Mr. Nazar, Mr. Soundararaj, Mrs. Piliapitiya and Dr. Ajith Walisundara also participated in the event.

The Recorded Presentation

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 1 of 8, We are in the Danger Zone

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 2 of 8, Dengue the Killer Disease

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 3 of 8, The Dengue Mosquito

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 4 of 8, Prevent Mosquito Breeding

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 5 of 8, Prevent Mosquito Breeding (cont.)

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 6 of 8, Prevent Mosquito Breeding (cont.)

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 7 of 8, You can be prosecuted

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 8 of 8, Q & A

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Executive Committee of Home Owners Association for 2010 / 2011

The Executive Committee of the Victoria Range Home Owners Association for 2010/2011 was elected at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 29 May 2010. The new Committee comprises seven men and a woman, of which five are permanent residents. The eight Committee members elected are:
  • Mr. Lalith Wijesingha (President)
  • Mr. Santi De Lanerolle (Vice President)
  • Mr. Kumara Badhuge (Secretary)
  • Mr. Kusal Ratnayake (Treasurer)
  • Mrs. Peggy Wickramaratne (Representative of Zone 1)
  • Mr. Cassim Nazar (Representative of Zone 2)
  • Mr. Ananda Paranathala (Representative of Zone 3)
  • Mr. Joe Fernando (Representative of Zone 4)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

President's Annual Report at the AGM - 2010

(This report was read out by the Vice President in the absence of the Founding President, Mr. Laxman Perera who was out of the Country.)

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you. Thank you for your presence.

The Committee of the the Victoria Range Home Owners' Association was elected at a meeting of the owners convened by Nivasie on 1 May 2009. This inaugural committee has now served for 12 months.

First I wish to extend a special thank you to my Committee and the Management of Nivasie for readily providing their valuable time and assistance in the conduct of our Committee's business of attempting to facilitate the improvements to Victoria Range.

During our Committee's tenure we have held 3 Committee meetings along with 3 General meetings. In addition a special meeting of the Committee was held with Nivasie Management.
The committee members individually and collectively have interacted with Nivasie in the operational aspects of the Complex on a regular basis. Several common issues were taken up,discussed and resolved during the last year thru' the initiatives of the Committee.
  1. Management/maintenance fee; A revised levy was implemented on a rationalised basis with effect from 1 April 2009.
  2. A children's playground with the necessary equipment was installed.
  3. Street lighting was improved in Zone 1 and 2.
  4. Road edging was turfed and maintained regularly.
  5. Green area land extents are displayed by way of name boards.
  6. Stray dogs are removed from the complex from time to time.
  7. A vehicle Pass sticker has been designed and made available to all owners free of cost.
  8. Laminated entry permits have been issued to all domestic workers entering the complex regularly on a daily basis.
  9. Change in the security service provider has been initiated. Security night patrols have been implemented.
  10. A draft Constitution and bye laws has been prepared for adoption.
  11. A database of email & postal addresses of owners has been compiled.
  12. The mosquito problem is being discussed and methods to minimise to be initiated.
  13. The issue of the supply of uninterrupted water is ongoing  and a practical solution is being discussed.
  14. The arrears of Management /Maintenance levy is significant and not resolved. Methods to minimise this is being discussed.
  15. The mode of functioning of the Victoria Resort and its implications to the residents is being addressed with Nivasie.
  16. The approach road to Victoria Range ( Sri Rahula Mawatha) is in a sorry state. Attempts are in progress to get this repaired.
The Victoria Range Complex is where we have chosen to invest by buying homes. A few of us are residing permanently whilst several others have holiday homes.

Nivasie considers Victoria Range as their premier housing development.

It revolves round us the home owners together with Nivasie the developer to make this complex a clean, pleasant and peaceful environment to live in. Collectively we have to make this happen. If our properties are given the due attention it can be guaranteed that the common areas will pose no problem once the security, water & power supplies and the approach road are up to the required standards Victoria Range will be a sought out community.