Welcome to the Victoria Range Community Blog.
Victoria Range Community Blog is dedicated to creating new and stronger ties between Home Owners at Victoria Range in Digana, Kandy, Sri Lanka. We come from literally every corner of the country or even from different countries, but what we have in common is our love for an eco-friendly environment and a quiet peaceful neighbourhood.
Through future articles, we shall share the latest Community news, details of upcoming events, and updates on our Victoria Range. You will also see photos, videos and even polls to get your opinion on subjects that matter to us.
Please join us to share your views and experiences at Victoria Range during your visits and be sure to bookmark this page to keep up to date on all things happening at our Victoria Range.
Thanks for your support!
Very impressive. Keep up the good work. All the best
ReplyDeleteWishing All the Best to Newly Elected Excutive Commettee & Very Happy to know that things are movin rapidy @ Victoria Range...
ReplyDeleteKapila Kahapola
super forum for us to meet since we all don't meet in person all the time ! keep up the good work
ReplyDeletetharindra and kumar de silva
Thank you for the daily weather update at Digana
ReplyDeleteThanksso much.
ReplyDeleteIf I want to communicate in Sinhala, how do I proceed to do so? Everything seems to be going in English....... I am very interested in buying a place at Victoria..........
Pure Sri Lankan.....
ඔබ ඒ සඳහා යුනිකෝඩ් යතුරු පුවරුවක ආධාරයෙන් ඔබට අවශ්ය දෑ සඳහන් කර, ඉන් පසු එය මෙහි පිටපත් කරන්න. ඔබේ අදහස අප ඉතා අගය කරන අතර, එවැන්නක් ඉල්ලා සිටීම වෙනුවෙන් ඔබට ස්තූතිවන්ත වෙමු.
ReplyDeleteයුනිකෝඩ් යතුරු පුවරුව මෙතනින් (http://www.ucsc.cmb.ac.lk/ltrl/services/keyboard/) ලබාගත හැකිය.
"වික්ටෝරියා රේන්ජ්"හි නිවාසයක් මිලදී ගැනීම සඳහා අවශ්ය තොරතුරු විමසීමට (http://www.victoriarange.com/) වෙත කරුණාකර යොමුවෙන්න.
Good Going