Constitution and Bye-Laws

The Constitution and the Bye-Laws of the Victoria Range Home Owners' Association were adopted on 29th May 2010 at the Annual General Meeting held at Digana, Kandy (Minutes of AGM-2010 of the Victoria Range Home Owners' Association).

As stated in Clause 1.2 of the Constitution, this Constitution came into force on 1st April 2010.

The Constitution and the Bye-Laws surely will assist us, the members of the Victoria Range Home Owners' Association, to meet the set objectives such as protecting and promoting our interests while ensuring our common benefits and facilities are being met. As an example, Clause 3.5.1 of the Bye-Laws requests all of us to ensure that our tenants, lessees, visitors, family members, employees, workmen, security personnel and licensees abide and adhere to the Bye-Laws of Victoria Range.  

The Constitution and the Bye-Laws of the Victoria Range Home Owners' Association 
The Bye-Laws of the Victoria Range Home Owners' Association