Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Improvements on Security Arrangement at Victoria Range

As per an email message from the executive committee of Victoria Range Home Owners Association, Gate #2 has been closed since Tuesday, 18th January 2011 for all vehicular traffic with the exception of  vehicles with "Resident" vehicle passes from 5.30am to 8.00pm. The security personnel at Gate #2 have been strictly advised to follow these instructions.

The Resident vehicle passes have only been issued to the home owners for their own use.

Due to certain incidents that have happened during the last few weeks, these steps have been taken to close security loopholes  and to improve the security arrangement within the Victoria Range premises.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Layout Map of Victoria Range as a Display Board

Victoria Range complex has many houses and housing plots spread over a large area. There are a number of avenues leading off from the main road, and the numbering of houses sometimes continues into another road. Many visitors, as well as some of the homeowners, may not find it easy to locate a house even when they are armed with the correct number of the house of interest.

Will it be useful for the residents and their visitors if the Nivasie Management were to erect two, or may be three, display maps at strategic points? Each map need not have the same detailed information about the layout of plots in the entire complex: the one at the starting point to Zone 2, for example, could indicate the house numbers at the start and at the end of the avenues in that zone (as displayed in hotel corridors), with only an outline showing where each of the other zones is. The same approach can be used for the other zones.

(Suggested by Dr. Gamini Premadasa)

Happy Pongal

Pongal is here
an occasion that marks joy and cheer
and brings along everything that's best.
May the festival of the harvest season,
be one that brings along with it, 
all that's best and everything
you're so deserving of.

We wish all our Hindu friends and their families at Victoria Range a Happy Pongal...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Continuous Rain Halts Rehabilitation Work on Sri Rahula Mawatha

The rehabilitation work on Sri Rahula Mawatha has been halted by the North-East monsoon lashing down in Digana, Kandy these days. The engineers and the workers of ICC made steady progress and had completed nearly 2/3 of the road when the rain started in the area. The machinery used for the work is parked at the main gate and work will recommence when the monsoon is over.

The initiative of the management of Nivasie and ICC has been highly appreciated by the Victoria Range Home Owners and the dignitaries in the nearby village including the Chief monk of the temple.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Two New Members Elected to the Executive Committee

The Home Owners Association elected two new members to the Executive Committee at the General Meeting held on Sunday, 19 December 2010. Ms Aylanee Ameresekere was elected as the Honorary Secretary and Mr Upali Ratnayaka was elected as the representative of Zone 2. Ms Aylanee and Mr Ratnayake are permanent residents at Victoria Range.

Wishing the new members all the very best...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas & New Year Dinner Party @ Victoria Range

The Festive Season was concluded and the year 2011 heralded on a joyous note at Victoria Range on 01, January with a dinner party. Thirty five residents and seven children participated at this event held at Club Victoria Resort in Victoria Range.

The Club was tastefully decorated with balloons and the centrepiece was the well-decked Christmas tree. The lights which reflected from the swimming pool provided a surreal background to the proceedings. Each guest, on arrival was welcomed in a traditional manner with a single piece of "kiribath" served on a banana leaf.

The evenings activities commenced in dramatic fashion with the arrival of Santa Claus amidst dimmed lights to the strains of "Santa Claus is coming to Town". Santa presented each child with a gift and livened up the evening by singing along with them and adults. Having interacted with everyone, Santa made his exit.

Joe Fernando, a permanent resident, the Master of Ceremonies for the evening, commenced the planned social games, where an enthusiastic participation was evident. Mr & Mrs. Upali Ratnayake were adjudged winners for the "Matching Couples" by the judges Asoka Pilapitiya and Ananda Paranthala.

After the completion of a game for the kids followed by another for the adults, it was Dinner time. A symbolic gesture preceded the dinner. Every participant stood in two rows on either side of the tables, placed in such a manner as to form a single table, extending from the top to the bottom of the dining area. Two lit candles were passed down the two rows enabling each person to light the "matti pahana" given to them, which they held in their hands when "We are the World" sung by Michael Jackson was played in the background. This gesture was to symbolise the bond of "togetherness" amongst those present and, foster the community spirit at Victoria Range.

A sumptuous Buffet Dinner was at hand prepared by the obliging Club Victoria staff. All enjoyed the delicious buffet dinner and was full of praise for the extremely pleasant evening.

Special mention has to be made of the untiring efforts of Aylanee Ameresekere who took the lead in organising this successful evening with the unstinting help of Pamela Wijesingha, Asoka Pilapitiya, Lumbini Ratnayake, Sriyani Badhuge and Kumari Ratnayake. Keith and Kavinga Ratnayake provided the evening's DJ music most enthusiastically. Joe Fernando was the Master of Ceremonies and Michael Suraj stood in as Santa Claus. The Community spirit shown by all who volunteered their services must be appreciated and applauded. The staff of Club Victoria headed by their Manager, Sheran gave an excellent service.

It is the wish, I hope of all that this Dinner will set the tone for similar fruitful and successful community/social events at Victoria Range where the ladies will provide the lead. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

In 2011...

Your dream is
Your direction,
Your motivation
Your inspiration.

Decide on a dream today,

Nothing will inspire you
In quite the same way.

A dream is the only true adventure ,

When you have a dream
You swim the rivers of pleasure.

Choose a dream do it now,

When you have a dream
You have go power.

Great things happen,

To people who
Make them happen.

When you have a dream

Your on a roll,
Because your working
Towards a goal.

When you have a dream

You are rich,
Without a dream people perish.

Onto your dream forever hold,

And you'll walk on
A carpet of gold.

Nothing comes from doing nothing,

We are never more happy
Than when we are doing something.

What you can dream

You can do,
There is always more in you.

He who dares wins

He who dares nothing,
Need not hope for anything.

Ideas are worthless without action,

Don't procrastinate
Be a man of action.

Whatever you want to do

Begin it now,
Action has a magic power .

What's the motto of a millionaire,

He who has begun
Is halfway there.

There's something special

Here for you ,
At your dreams
Really do come true.

(Author Unknown)