Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Improvements to infrastructure at Digana (by Lalith Wijesingha)

Home owners of Victoria Range will be pleased to note that the A26 road leading to Mahiyangana which is the main approach to Digana from Kandy has been relaid from the Army Camp to Digana junction.This permits drivers a smooth journey on a much improved surface from Kandy to Digana. This stretch of road is also in  the process of being widened at the edges. In addition the Digana Town road network which was in a deplorable state has been rehabilitated and is in a genuinely better condition. These two improvements to the road network to and around Digana provides to a better quality of life for the residents of Victoria Range.

One negative that all home owners at Victoria Range would wish be eliminated is the poor condition of Sri Rahula Mawatha- the approach road to Victoria Range from the main A26. There is a growing sense of optimism that this road too will get rehabilitated soon. The signs are that there is a gradual upliftment to the infrastructure in the area, without a disturbance to the tranquil and rustic surroundings of Victoria Range.

As a permanent resident of Victoria Range for the last two years it is my considered view that a noticeable improvement has taken place in  the attempt to provide a continuous supply of electricity and water by both the Ceylon Electricity Board and the National Water Supply and Drainage Board respectively. It is expected that one should see improvements rather than deterioration to these critical services.

Nature too has been kind this year in this area.The average temperatures have been much lower than in 2009 due to the  increased rainfall. The increase in the varieties of birds present in the complex is apparent by the various distinct bird calls heard at daybreak. A word of warning though in that the surrounding villages of Victoria Range are identified as high risk Dengue areas. A dengue control programme is being put in place at Victoria Range to mitigate these risks.

I felt that I should share some of the pluses and minuses at Victoria Range with the community.

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