Friday, December 24, 2010

Wishing You Merry Christmas

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born

Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth"

Let the message of Christmas remain in the hearts of all of us in Victoria Range: We are never alone.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rehabilitation work on Sri Rahula Mawatha

Please be informed that Nivasie has planned to commence the rehabilitation work of Sri Rahula Mawatha with effect from 8.00pm on Wednesday 15 December 2010.

This road will be closed to all traffic from 8.00pm till 6.00am the following day on a regular basis till this work is completed. It is estimated that the work will take a maximum period of 7 days.

Entry to Victoria Range will have to be through Gate no. 2. during the hours when work is in progress(8.00pm to 6.00am). All vehicles plying beyond Victoria Range to the village and beyond will be diverted through the complex with entry through gate no 2 and exit through the main gate during these hours.

Inconvenience to Home Owners is regretted.

Monday, December 13, 2010

General Meeting on Sunday 19 December 2010

The General Meeting of the Victoria Range Home Owners Association will be held on Sunday 19 December 2010 at 11.00am at the Nivasie Conference Room, Digana.


1. Calling of Meeting to order.
2. Correspondence and excuses
3. Financial Statement of Administration Fund.
4. Monthly service fees.
5. Security Procedures at Victoria Range
6. Dengue Control Programme.
7. Club Victoria
8. Election of Hon. Secretary and Zone 2 representative.
9. Improvements to Victoria Range.
10. Any other matters.

The meeting will be followed by a Festive Lunch @ Club Victoria. A nominal charge of Rs 300 will be levied per head to defray costs. Please confirm your ability/inability to participate in the meeting + lunch (with the number )

Your response will be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wishing You Blessed Eid

No shadows to depress you,
Only joys to surround you,
God himself to bless you,
These are our wishes for our Muslim friends and families at Victoria Range
Today, tomorrow, and everyday.

Eid al-Adha or "Festival of Sacrifice" or "Greater Eid" is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his son Ishmael (Isma'il) as an act of obedience to God, before God intervened to provide him with a ram to sacrifice instead.The meat is divided into three parts to be distributed to others. The family retains one third of the share, another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbours, and the other third is given to the poor & needy.

Eid al-Adha is the latter of two Eid festivals celebrated by Muslims, whose basis comes from Sura 2 (Al-Baqara) Ayah 196 in the Qur'an. It is celebrated annually on the 10th day of the 12th and the last Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah of the lunar Islamic calendar. Eid al-Adha celebrations start after the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia by Muslims worldwide, descend from Mount Arafat. The date is approximately 70 days (2 Months & 10 days) after the end of the month of Ramadan, i.e. Eid-ul-Fitr. Ritual observance of the holiday lasts until sunset of the 13th day of Dhu al-Hijjah.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Victoria Range Residents participate in Katina Pinkama at Village Temple

The Buddhist residents at Victoria Range participated in the "Katina Cheevara Pooja Pinkama" (Offering of new robes to the Maha Sangha) together with Nivasie employees and nearby villagers.

The Katina Puja or offering of new robes to Buddhist priests is a long standing religious custom prevailing in all the countries where Theravadha Buddhism prevails. In the words of the Buddha, this is the noblest religious activity for Buddhists from which limitless merit is accumulated.

This year, Mr and Mrs (Ranjith) Rathnayake, Mr and Mrs Kulathunghe, Mr and Mrs Badhuge, Mr and Mrs (Kusal) Rathnayake and Nivasie staff had the rare opportunity of keeping the robe at their homes / offices within Victoria Range during the second week of October while performing a series of special religious activities together with many other residents. Mr. Kularathne Pathirage, the site manager of Nivasie and Mrs. Lumbini Rathnayake took the initiative and guided other residents in participating in this noblest activity.

The Buddhist priests at the temple, the officers at the Police Post at Ambakotte and nearby villagers welcomed the residents of Victoria Range and the representatives of Nivasie, and appreciated becoming part of them.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

May your home light up... with the joy of Deepavali

The clear blue sky,
The scent of flowers,
The colours of Rangoli,
And the sound of crackers.

The gifts and sweets from dear ones,

And the getting of their love,
The light of the candles below,
And the dazzling fireworks up above.

Lighting lamps at our homes,

Making the less fortunate smile,
Putting on new apparels,
Show our friends some style.

Paying respects to the gods,

And decorating for them the thali,
This is what the occasion is all about,
This is the spirit of Deepavali.

On the auspicious day of Deepavali, wishing all our Hindu friends and families at Victoria Range Success, Happiness and Prosperity...

Pre-requisite for Gate Pass for Domestic Workers and Gardeners

It has been noticed that several domestic workers and gardeners (hired by the residents/home owners) are not carrying identification cards, which means violation of the rules set by the Police Department.

As per the new security procedures at Victoria Range, the gate-pass given to domestic workers / gardeners should show the ID card number on it. Therefore please take necessary steps to provide your worker with any form of acceptable identification (through the police station or the Gramasevaka of the area) to fulfil this pre-requisite to obtain the gate pass.

I am certain that we all agree with the clause, "The level of security at the complex hinges on the extent to which the laid-down security procedures are implemented."

Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Meet and Greet" evening at Victoria Range

Sunday 24 October 2010 was a special day for the permanent residents at Victoria Range. Five ladies led by the dynamic and charming Kumari Ratnayake organised a "meet and greet" evening followed by a delicious and sumptuous dinner on this day at 1/156 Brook Avenue, the spacious property of N. Krishnakumar.

The event commenced at 5.00pm. On arrival all guests were welcomed by a drink and cake. The ladies responsible for organising this event were Kumari Ratnayake, Sriyani Badhuge, Prasangi Kulatunge, Nilanthi Weerasooriya and Lumbini Ratnayake.

The unique feature of the occasion was that all the food items were brought by the participants symbolising the team spirit of all present.

The weather-gods were kind in keeping with the significance of the event. A cool breeze was felt blowing across the spacious lawn where all the guests were seated. It was an idyllic setting with the kerosene lanterns providing a picturesque backdrop.

The evening proper commenced with a welcome speech made by Lalith Wijesingha who lauded the initiative taken by the five ladies. The evening progressed with all those present greeting and conversing with each other while enjoying the music played by Keith and older cousin Kavinga.

The bonhomie continued with a game of "musical chairs" where both the young and the old participated.The "spirit that cheered" was provided with the compliments of Ananda Kandapola. An extremely fruitful and enjoyable evening was concluded with a vote of thanks by Kumara Badhuge and the rendering of a sinhala song ably led by Joe Fernando.

The singular effort of the five ladies who initiated and organised the evening was appreciated and applauded by everyone present. The popular consensus was that such events be held in the future on a regular basis with more and more participants.

18 families were present with a total of nearly 50 participants inclusive of the kids.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Circular - New Security Service Provider

The New Security Service Provider will commence work from 7:00 am on 1st November 2010.

The new security procedures which were circulated to all Home Owners (by post and email) will be effective from this day.

This appeal is to all Home Owners to obtain their Vehicle Pass Stickers from Manjula at the Nivasie Maintenance Office, Digana and display them on the right hand top corner of the windscreen.

Displaying the vehicle pass sticker on your vehicle will permit hassle free entry to the complex.

All Home Owners employing caretakers/daily helps are requested to obtain new forms and submit fresh applications for Nivasie Passes. These forms may be obtained from Manjula at the Nivasie Maintenance Office, Digana. This type of worker will not be permitted entry without a valid Nivasie Pass.

Manjula ; Maintenance Office , Tel nos. +94 (0) 81 3993839
Mob. +94 (0) 77 3849082

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dengue Week Activities at Victoria Range (7-13 October 2010)

Coinciding with the Dengue Week announced for the second week of October 2010 many permanent residents at Victoria Range who have formed themselves into an Action Group met on 7 October.

It was decided to conduct a survey of nearly all of the plots owned by members of the Home Owners’ Association located mainly in Zones 1, 2 and 3. This survey was essentially a visual one from outside of the property to ascertain if the garden was maintained or neglected. Each home plot was assigned a colour as per a colour code with green, amber or red. Green was for maintained gardens and red for neglected and probably posing a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes. Amber was for plots in need of a little more regular attention. The survey was completed by 12 October and the data is being compiled.

On 11 October a shramadana was organised by Nivasie where 30 volunteers inclusive of all the Nivasie Sales staff participated in a cleaning operation of the common areas. This shramadana was from 7.00 am to 4.00 pm. Many residents met these volunteers and expressed their appreciation of the good work done. All Nivasie staff volunteers were back at their regular jobs by 10.00 am and the rest continued the cleaning work. A complimentary breakfast was provided by Nivasie to all the volunteers with a few Home Owners contributing refreshments as well.

The common area clean up is to be accompanied by a report which will be completed by 16 October. The Nivasie and Home Owner generated reports are to be made into a composite. The home plots and common areas which are neglected and in need of attention will be identified.

It is the intention of the Dengue Action Group to invite the Medical Officer of Health, Kundasale and their Public Health Inspector to inspect the Victoria Range Complex and provide their advise and comments on the likely hazards for the breeding of mosquitoes. The Health Authorities follow up action will be solicited by the Dengue Action group.

Another activity planned is the spraying of potential mosquito breeding places with the toxin Bacillus Thuriengiensis Israelensis ( BTI).

The Facilities Manager K. Pathirage’s assistance in coordinating most of these activities is acknowledged with thanks.

New Security Procedures at Victoria Range

Victoria Range, Digana is a gated housing complex. Security takes high priority in a gated community, hence Nivasie Developers together with the Victoria Range Home Owners’ Association executive committee has taken the decision to appoint a new security service provider with effect from 1 November 2010.

The level of security at the complex hinges on the extent to which the laid down security procedures are implemented.

The new security procedures described below will be implemented with effect from 1 November 2010.

Please comply with the procedures enumerated below. The security service provider will be instructed to enforce them without exception.

1) Procedures for Home Owners
a) The main gate security shall allow Home Owners entry, provided the Victoria Range Vehicle Pass is displayed on their windscreen. They will not be subject to identity checks if they comply with this requirement.

b) The main gate security shall stop and establish the identity of Home Owners without vehicle pass stickers. The National ID card or any other accepted form of identity such as the Driving Licence/Passport shall be checked and such details recorded with the entry /exit times and vehicle registration numbers.The home owner identity will be verified against the master list of home owners kept at the main gates.
c) The main gate/s security shall check the identity of immediate members of family (spouse, children) of home owners entering/exiting the main gates in vehicles without vehicle pass stickers. They will be requested to establish their identities as described under 1.b) or allowed entry/exit if their identities are established by the home owner.

2) Procedures for Visitors to Homes
a) The main gate/s security shall stop EVERY visitor entering the complex and subject them to an identity check.
b) The visitor/s identity card/s or any other accepted form of identity document shall be checked and all relevant details recorded as under 1.b) even if prior notice of arrival has been provided by the Home Owner.
c) Visitors with no prior notice of arrival shall not be permitted entry, unless approval is provided by the Home Owner to the main gate security on the arrival of the visitor/s at the gate.. (Main Gate security shall attempt to make contact with the Home Owner if he is in possession of a SLT telephone.)

3) Procedures for Domestic Workers and Gardeners (entering/exiting on a regular basis)

a) Main gate/s security shall establish the identity of this type of visitor against a valid temporary pass issued by Nivasie. The entry/exit times of these visitors shall be recorded.

b) This category of worker shall not be permitted entry without a valid pass.

c) The main gate security shall not permit this type of visitor to bring in/take out large bags/tools/goods to and out of the complex other than that of a personal nature(eg handbag), unless written approval is provided by the Home Owner.

d) This category of worker must use the same entry/exit gate on a single day.

4) Procedures for Contractors/ Skilled workers (entering/exiting on a non-regular basis)

a) The main gate security shall stop every visitor belonging to these categories at the entry gate.

b) They shall check the identity of this category of visitor against the details of names provided by the Home Owner.

c) The identity of such visitors shall be established and recorded as detailed under 1.b).

d) Main gate security shall not permit the entry of this category of visitors without the express approval of the Home Owner.

e) The main gate/s security shall maintain a record of all tools,equipment and materials brought into the complex by them and cross -checked at exit.

5) ICC /Nivasie/Kapruka Personnel/ prospective Nivasie clients

Nivasie will provide the procedures. It will be based on an Identity Pass issued by ICC/Nivasie or visitor tags.

6) Procedures for Home Owner Guest Houses.

a) The main gate security will stop every visitor of this category at the entry gate

b) They shall check the identity of this category of visitor against the names provided by the Home Owner as per clause 1(b)

c) Main gate/s security shall not permit entry to this type of visitor unless the Home Owner has provided details of names and arrival to Security either in advance or at the time of arrival.

7) Procedures for Visitors to Nivasie Guest Houses and Club Victoria

Nivasie will submit these procedures in line with clause 6 above.

8) Security Procedures in the Common Areas

a) The security service provider shall be responsible to provide security in these designated areas. Any incident/behaviour which is objectionable and in violation of the norms of good conduct /behaviour shall be handled by the security service provider as per their Company’s accepted procedures and the Police notified of such incident if warranted. Nivasie Management and named officers of the Home Owners’ association shall be notified.

b) No lorries/buses/ heavy vehicles other than those authorised shall be permitted entry to the complex.

c) The 15kmph speed limits inside the complex shall be enforced.

9) Night and Day Patrols

Procedure to be drafted in consultation with the security service provider.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Improvements to Road Safety at Victoria Range

While the Highway Authority in Sri Lanka failed to meet the statutory requirements for the signing of speed limits forming the basis of a legal defence to a charge of exceeding a speed limit, we, the home owners of Victoria Range, Digana, are pleased to note that there are several speed limit sign boards installed at vital points to inform the speed limit, i.e. 15 KmPH, within the premises.

Speed is the main factor in crashes and road trauma. In acknowledging safer speed limits and travelling at appropriate speeds on roads within Victoria Range, we are all contributing to make our roads safer for children, joggers, workers and other vehicles.

Nivasie Developers (Pvt) Ltd has recently installed three new speed limit sign boards; at the beginning of Lotus Avenue, at the Lake Side Roundabout and at the Mountain Avenue Junction. Nivasie is also in the process of installing speed humps along Lotus Avenue in the newly developed Zone Two.

As a permanent resident, I appreciate the steps taken by the Management of Nivasie and ICC to improve road safety within Victoria Range.

I am sure that we all will share the same view.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Solution for Display Problem of PDFs in Google Document Viewer with Internet Explorer

The "Google Docs" allows multiple users to create, edit, and share documents, spreadsheets, and presentations from a web browser. We use this feature extensively in the Victoria Range Community Blog to share important up-to-date documents with you. 

Our tests confirmed that all top web browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Avant Browser, Opera, Apple Safari) are fully compatible with Google Docs except Internet Explorer, which has a display problem of PDF documents in embeddable Goggle Document Viewer for reasons known only to Microsoft and Google.

If you are a Internet Explorer user, please follow the instructions below to read the documents in our blog.

We thank those who reported the problem and apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Video Instructions

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Select "Tools" from the Main Menu

Step 2: Select "Internet Options" from the Drop-down Menu

Step 3: Select "Privacy" Tab

Step 4: Select "Sites" Button in "Privacy" Tab
Step 5: Type in Address of website field
Step 6: Select "Allow" Button
Step 7: Select "OK" Button in "Per Site.." Window
 Step 8: Select 'OK" Button in "Internet Option" Window
Step 9: Select "Refresh" Button OR Press F5 to reload the page

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Help Us to Help You Better : Say NO to Water-Retaining Plants

House plants such as pandanus, heliconia and bromeliads, which we grow with love and care, collect water in leaf sheaths and these can be breeding places for Dengue mosquitoes, if water remains for more than 7 days.

As we are fully aware now, the first step in the Dengue control activity begins at home and that is proper collection/disposal of household waste and reduction/elimination of possible mosquito breeding places. Therefore please instruct your gardener to remove Water-Retaining Plants from your garden in Victoria Range, Digana


Action Group releases Checklists for Control Breeding of Dengue Mosquitoes

The checklists were finalized by the action group at their third meeting of the "Control the Breeding of Dengue Mosquitoes" project held on Friday, 16th July 2010 at the Site Managers Office in Victoria Range, Digana, Kandy.

The action group will first instruct the gardeners on implementing the checklist. Then the members of the action group will execute random checks within Zone 1 of Victoria Range based on the checklists, starting from 4th August 2010.

Mr. Kularathne Pathirage explained the progress being made by Nivasie / ICC in their designated areas.

Mr. Lalith Wijesingha, Mr. Cassim Nazar, Mr. Ranjith Rathnayake, Mr. Gamini Premadasa, Mr. Ananda Kandapola, Mrs. Kumari Ratnayake, Mr. Wimalajeeva, Mr. Pradeep Manjula and Mr. Kularathne Pathirage attended the meeting.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Club Victoria Resort in Victoria Range, Digana, Kandy (by Lalith Wijesingha)

All home owners of Victoria Range no doubt will acknowledge that the Club Victoria Resort  which principally comprise of the swimming pool, restaurant, gym and clubhouse has a picturesque setting, with the Knuckles range of mountains forming the backdrop. To be seated in the clubhouse experiencing the mild breeze wafting across at most times of the day, is indeed both  relaxing and therapeutic.

Unfortunately the Resort lacks the patronage it ideally would wish to have due to a multitude of reasons. Obtaining the revenue to keep it afloat, I am sure is a challenge. Home owners of Victoria Range will concede that Nivasie has a problem in retaining an exclusivity here, as once touted in their sales brochures and websites.

I am sure I express the view of the majority of the home owners in saying that they would wish the Club Victoria Resort and it’s facilities be exclusively enjoyed by them and their guests. It has been the consensus at many fora amongst home owners that providing access to the public to enjoy the Resort and it’s facilities has to discouraged as well as prevented. Doggedly presenting a view without exploring it’s ramifications is unreasonable. We as home owners have to collectively present a viable alternative if the objective of exclusive use is to be realised. It is my view that the Resort, and all what it has to offer must be service oriented only, raising  sufficient revenue to meet all it’s expenditure. It should not function as a profit centre to be attractive to the majority of the Victoria Range Home Owners.

I am more or less certain that many will heed call to enroll as family members by paying the annual membership, provided the above conditions are met and there is a win-win situation for all concerned.

These comments are personal to me and hopefully will trigger an exchange of “blogs” which will develop many a viewpoint on an important subject.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Open Letter to Home Owners (from the Action Group - Control the Breeding of Dengue mosquitoes)

An initiative has been taken by the Kundasale Pradeshiya Council to control the spread of Dengue and other mosquito related diseases in the areas under their purview.Victoria Range has been co-opted as a participant in this initiative.The potential risks for the breeding of the dengue mosquito has been identified by the Health Authorities and a check list has been generated by the Dengue Action Group in line with these risks.

The main thrust of the initiative is to keep one's homes and premises risk free.A few permanent residents at Victoria Range have formed a group to implement this initiative to control the  breeding of Dengue mosquitoes in the Complex.

One of the first tasks of this group was to identify the homes whose gardens are in neglect. This letter is specially directed to them.

We urge you to take immediate steps to be responsible to maintain your garden in a routine, regular manner. Your garden and premises will  be subject to a regular inspection against the checklist. Please note that continued neglect of your premises, posing a potential dengue risk is anti-social and liable for prosecution by the Health Authorities.

It might be useful for you to be aware that this initiative covers the whole complex which includes the Nivasie controlled common areas such as the drains, roads, ponds, green areas and ICC controlled areas such as the construction sites, workshops, etc.

This groups intention is to regularly monitor the progress of this initiative by planned visits covering the entire complex and generate a monthly report which will be made available to the MOH, Kundasale and the Victoria Range HOA members.

As concerned members of the Victoria Range HOA, we believe that you will take meaningful steps to heed to our appeal and cooperate in this effort.

Sincerely yours,

The Action Group - Control the Breeding of Dengue Mosquitoes

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Improvements to infrastructure at Digana (by Lalith Wijesingha)

Home owners of Victoria Range will be pleased to note that the A26 road leading to Mahiyangana which is the main approach to Digana from Kandy has been relaid from the Army Camp to Digana junction.This permits drivers a smooth journey on a much improved surface from Kandy to Digana. This stretch of road is also in  the process of being widened at the edges. In addition the Digana Town road network which was in a deplorable state has been rehabilitated and is in a genuinely better condition. These two improvements to the road network to and around Digana provides to a better quality of life for the residents of Victoria Range.

One negative that all home owners at Victoria Range would wish be eliminated is the poor condition of Sri Rahula Mawatha- the approach road to Victoria Range from the main A26. There is a growing sense of optimism that this road too will get rehabilitated soon. The signs are that there is a gradual upliftment to the infrastructure in the area, without a disturbance to the tranquil and rustic surroundings of Victoria Range.

As a permanent resident of Victoria Range for the last two years it is my considered view that a noticeable improvement has taken place in  the attempt to provide a continuous supply of electricity and water by both the Ceylon Electricity Board and the National Water Supply and Drainage Board respectively. It is expected that one should see improvements rather than deterioration to these critical services.

Nature too has been kind this year in this area.The average temperatures have been much lower than in 2009 due to the  increased rainfall. The increase in the varieties of birds present in the complex is apparent by the various distinct bird calls heard at daybreak. A word of warning though in that the surrounding villages of Victoria Range are identified as high risk Dengue areas. A dengue control programme is being put in place at Victoria Range to mitigate these risks.

I felt that I should share some of the pluses and minuses at Victoria Range with the community.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Prevention is better than Cure

The Epidemiology Unit of the Health Ministry has warned that the number of dengue cases is expected to rise in the coming months with the onset of rains while the number of dengue cases reported this year has risen to 14,284 and the number of deaths to 85.

A presidential task force has been set up to control the dengue menace and it has the authority to fine those found guilty of violating the Mosquito Breeding Control Act of 2009. The task force has identified dengue high risk zones in the country and among them are Kandy and Kundasale. 

In line with the guidelines from relevant authorities, Mr. Lalith Wijesingha, the President of HOA initiated the “Control the Breeding of Dengue Mosquitoes” project within Victoria Range in May 2010. Mr. Cassim Nazar, Mr. Joe Fernando, Mr. Carupiah Soundararaj, Mrs. Asoka Pilapitiya and Mr. Kumara Badhuge have volunteered their service for the activities.
On 5 June 2010, the Project Team with the Nivasie Services held a seminar on “Dengue Prevention” for the gardeners, caretakers and the maintenance staff in Victoria Range. Dr. A. A. Chandrajayantha, MOH, Digana presented the seminar to an audience of over 30 men and women. Mr. A. D. Bandara, Public Health Inspector, Mr. Kularathne, Site Manager, Victoria Range,  Mr. Nazar, Mr. Soundararaj, Mrs. Piliapitiya and Dr. Ajith Walisundara also participated in the event.

The Recorded Presentation

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 1 of 8, We are in the Danger Zone

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 2 of 8, Dengue the Killer Disease

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 3 of 8, The Dengue Mosquito

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 4 of 8, Prevent Mosquito Breeding

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 5 of 8, Prevent Mosquito Breeding (cont.)

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 6 of 8, Prevent Mosquito Breeding (cont.)

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 7 of 8, You can be prosecuted

Dengue Prevention Seminar Part 8 of 8, Q & A

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Executive Committee of Home Owners Association for 2010 / 2011

The Executive Committee of the Victoria Range Home Owners Association for 2010/2011 was elected at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 29 May 2010. The new Committee comprises seven men and a woman, of which five are permanent residents. The eight Committee members elected are:
  • Mr. Lalith Wijesingha (President)
  • Mr. Santi De Lanerolle (Vice President)
  • Mr. Kumara Badhuge (Secretary)
  • Mr. Kusal Ratnayake (Treasurer)
  • Mrs. Peggy Wickramaratne (Representative of Zone 1)
  • Mr. Cassim Nazar (Representative of Zone 2)
  • Mr. Ananda Paranathala (Representative of Zone 3)
  • Mr. Joe Fernando (Representative of Zone 4)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

President's Annual Report at the AGM - 2010

(This report was read out by the Vice President in the absence of the Founding President, Mr. Laxman Perera who was out of the Country.)

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you. Thank you for your presence.

The Committee of the the Victoria Range Home Owners' Association was elected at a meeting of the owners convened by Nivasie on 1 May 2009. This inaugural committee has now served for 12 months.

First I wish to extend a special thank you to my Committee and the Management of Nivasie for readily providing their valuable time and assistance in the conduct of our Committee's business of attempting to facilitate the improvements to Victoria Range.

During our Committee's tenure we have held 3 Committee meetings along with 3 General meetings. In addition a special meeting of the Committee was held with Nivasie Management.
The committee members individually and collectively have interacted with Nivasie in the operational aspects of the Complex on a regular basis. Several common issues were taken up,discussed and resolved during the last year thru' the initiatives of the Committee.
  1. Management/maintenance fee; A revised levy was implemented on a rationalised basis with effect from 1 April 2009.
  2. A children's playground with the necessary equipment was installed.
  3. Street lighting was improved in Zone 1 and 2.
  4. Road edging was turfed and maintained regularly.
  5. Green area land extents are displayed by way of name boards.
  6. Stray dogs are removed from the complex from time to time.
  7. A vehicle Pass sticker has been designed and made available to all owners free of cost.
  8. Laminated entry permits have been issued to all domestic workers entering the complex regularly on a daily basis.
  9. Change in the security service provider has been initiated. Security night patrols have been implemented.
  10. A draft Constitution and bye laws has been prepared for adoption.
  11. A database of email & postal addresses of owners has been compiled.
  12. The mosquito problem is being discussed and methods to minimise to be initiated.
  13. The issue of the supply of uninterrupted water is ongoing  and a practical solution is being discussed.
  14. The arrears of Management /Maintenance levy is significant and not resolved. Methods to minimise this is being discussed.
  15. The mode of functioning of the Victoria Resort and its implications to the residents is being addressed with Nivasie.
  16. The approach road to Victoria Range ( Sri Rahula Mawatha) is in a sorry state. Attempts are in progress to get this repaired.
The Victoria Range Complex is where we have chosen to invest by buying homes. A few of us are residing permanently whilst several others have holiday homes.

Nivasie considers Victoria Range as their premier housing development.

It revolves round us the home owners together with Nivasie the developer to make this complex a clean, pleasant and peaceful environment to live in. Collectively we have to make this happen. If our properties are given the due attention it can be guaranteed that the common areas will pose no problem once the security, water & power supplies and the approach road are up to the required standards Victoria Range will be a sought out community.