Saturday, July 17, 2010

Club Victoria Resort in Victoria Range, Digana, Kandy (by Lalith Wijesingha)

All home owners of Victoria Range no doubt will acknowledge that the Club Victoria Resort  which principally comprise of the swimming pool, restaurant, gym and clubhouse has a picturesque setting, with the Knuckles range of mountains forming the backdrop. To be seated in the clubhouse experiencing the mild breeze wafting across at most times of the day, is indeed both  relaxing and therapeutic.

Unfortunately the Resort lacks the patronage it ideally would wish to have due to a multitude of reasons. Obtaining the revenue to keep it afloat, I am sure is a challenge. Home owners of Victoria Range will concede that Nivasie has a problem in retaining an exclusivity here, as once touted in their sales brochures and websites.

I am sure I express the view of the majority of the home owners in saying that they would wish the Club Victoria Resort and it’s facilities be exclusively enjoyed by them and their guests. It has been the consensus at many fora amongst home owners that providing access to the public to enjoy the Resort and it’s facilities has to discouraged as well as prevented. Doggedly presenting a view without exploring it’s ramifications is unreasonable. We as home owners have to collectively present a viable alternative if the objective of exclusive use is to be realised. It is my view that the Resort, and all what it has to offer must be service oriented only, raising  sufficient revenue to meet all it’s expenditure. It should not function as a profit centre to be attractive to the majority of the Victoria Range Home Owners.

I am more or less certain that many will heed call to enroll as family members by paying the annual membership, provided the above conditions are met and there is a win-win situation for all concerned.

These comments are personal to me and hopefully will trigger an exchange of “blogs” which will develop many a viewpoint on an important subject.


  1. I am fully in agreement with your suggestion to retain exclusivity based on a annual fee for family membership.

  2. An important subject, which has been in discussion for last two years with ambiguity.
    I suggest Nivasie Management to come up with a tariff that addresses different types of home owners since an annual membership may not be useful for many of the home owners, who live in Colombo or abroad.
    As in any social club in the world, the members should get discounts on meals, holiday bungalows etc.
    We must learn from the success of the Victoria Golf Club and the failure of the Digana Village.
    Any failure of the Club Victoria will mean dire consequences for Victoria Range Bungalows and its home owners.

  3. Dear All and Mr. Wijesingha,

    I share your view and understand the financial difficulties Nivasie will have for the daily maintenance of the facilities if they do not generate revenue from external parties. Since we have HOA and if the members are willing to pay additional amount to keep up the club then we could request Nivasie not to offer the place for external parties. This is all depends on owner’s willingness to pay the additional payment, how much and what basis (fixed monthly payment and discount for home owners live Colombo or abroad).
    However, we could market the club facilities for corporate clients (not for individuals) for events (properly managed) with added security to increase the revenue by targeting selected number of events per calendar year (agreed in advanced to give enough notices to all stake holders) so that home owners will have to make a smaller contribution to meet the short fall (if any) for maintenance. If there is a profit then we could re-invest to improve the facilities.
    This is just and idea I thought worth considering, unless we are happy to allow Nivasie to offer facilities to external individuals as they wish.


  4. There is a decision to form a sub-committee comprising of members of the HOA and Nivasie Management including the Manager, Club Victoria to
    meet and decide on a set of proposals to be applied to the running of the Club. These proposals hopefully will consider the concerns of both the Home Owners and Nivasie and meet the aspirations of both parties. Please make this blog a forum to express your ideas, which could be used by the sub-committee in their discussions. The decisions that will be made regarding Club Victoria must ideally reflect the views of the majority of the stakeholders.If any Home Owner wishes volunteer to be on this sub-committee please let us know.
