Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Fresh Start between Victoria Range Executive Committee and Nivasie

The newly elected Executive Committee had their first meeting with Nivasie Management on Wednesday, 31st August 2011 at the Conference Room, Victoria Range, Digana, Kandy. The meeting was attended by the executive committee members of Victoria Range Home Owners Association and the Nivasie team headed by the Operations Manager.

Both parties have expressed that they would work as partners to take Victoria Range forward, and have cordially discussed and agreed on subjects such as protocols, home owner contact base, stray dogs, a convenience store and the future operations at Victoria Range.

It has been informed by Nivasie, that there are 15 more houses to be built out of a total of 320 and 20 more houses to be sold. On completion of the project, the Maintenance Office of Nivasie will continue to operate on site, while the rest of the Nivasie Organization moves out. It was also mentioned by the Operations Manager that Nivasie will continue to manage the complex until the Home Owners Association gains legal status and if fully equipped to take over the full maintenance of the complex, if it so desires.

The meeting was a valuable platform to build a good working relationship among the people on the ground, which both parties have welcomed.

(Please read the minutes at Meeting Minutes page, for more information.)

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