(This report was read out by the former President of Victoria Range Home Owners Association Executive Committee (2010/2011), Mr. Lalith Wijesingha at the AGM held on 14 August 2011. Mr. Wijesingha also served the community as the Secretary of the Inaugural Executive Committee of Victoria Range Home Owners Association during 2009/2010.)
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen.
It is my pleasure to extend to all of you a warm welcome on behalf of the entire executive committee of the Victoria Range Home Owners Association (VRHOA) and thank you for your presence.
This Committee was elected to office at the last AGM held on 29 May 2010. During the period under review the Committee met 14 times - once a month and held 2 General Meetings of the Association in December 2010 and April 2011. In addition this Committee also had 4 formal meetings with the Senior Nivasie Management which included their Managing Director together with many informal meetings with their Senior and Junior Staff.
The objective was two fold.
- To develop a cordial working relationship with Nivasie with a sense of mutual cooperation
- To shadow the operations of the Complex to gain an insight to its workings
This Committee at the inception identified a few long and short term goals, namely
- To establish a gated community concept at Victoria Range
- Participate with Nivasie in the operations of Victoria Range in a limited manner
- Initiate the rehabilitation of Sri Rahula Mawatha
- Organise Social events at Victoria Range
- Make Club Victoria a facility for Members Only
In an effort to achieve the above goals my Committee initiated the following.
New Security Service Provider and Procedures
Along with Nivasie the Committee initiated the appointment of Watchguard Security Services at Victoria Range with effect from 1 Jan 2011. In addition a new set of Security Procedures were implemented in collaboration with Nivasie. Monthly Progress meetings were held amongst Nivasie, Home Owners Association Executive Committee (HOAEC) and Watchguard. As with many security service providers there have been lapses and shortcomings which hopefully will improve with more feedback and vigilance from Home Owners to the Executive Committee.
This Committee recommends a Neighbourhood Watch programme to the incoming Committee for implementation.
Cleaning Services Provider
Abans Environmental Services has been appointed as the new cleaning Company replacing Nivasie with effect from 16 April 2011. This has been a joint decision between Nivasie and the HOAEC. Hopefully the aspirations of all stakeholders will be met by this change. Kapruka, the Maintenance Company has been discontinued at the same time.
Water Supply
The plan to build a water tank inside the Complex by Nivasie, to provide water during emergencies could not be implemented as the National Water Board did not give their approval. As an alternative they have augmented the supply to the outside Nivasie Water Tank by laying a special water line from the Digana Village water storage tank.
Though not a complete solution this is the best that this Committee could negotiate with Nivasie.
Constitution and Bye-laws
The adopted Constitution and Bye-laws were printed into a booklet and delivered to many Colombo residents by courtesy of Nivasie. They also handed over this document to new home owners along with the Sales Agreement.
Club Victoria
This has proved to be more than a challenge to both Nivasie and the Home Owners Association. The HOAEC represented their concerns to Nivasie by way of letters, meetings and verbal conversations. The complaints were many. Quality, service and tariff were the main culprits. Nivasie though receptive to the Home Owner concerns did not or were not able to improve the situation. Lack of personnel, patronage and profitability were some of the problems faced by Nivasie. Nivasie has commenced the issue of a Victoria Club Membership Card to Home Owners with up to date accounts, entitling them to a discount for restaurant and bar facilities.
Sarath Wickramasinghe a home owner who is retired Hotelier has kindly consented to provide a feasibility study on Club Victoria with the concurrence of Nivasie. Hopefully this will address the aspirations of all stakeholders. At present it is being prepared and the new Committee will have to follow it up.
In early July the Nivasie owned Guest Houses were closed by Nivasie Management.
Quarterly Newsletter and Blogsite
A quarterly newsletter was initiated and the first edition released by the hardwork of Gamini Premadasa a home owner resident in the UAE. This work was coordinated by the former Secretary of the HOAEC Aylanee Ameresekere. The Committee's appreciation to both of them is placed in record here.
A community blogsite has been initiated by Kumara Badhuge also an ex-Secretary of this Committee and has been maintained regularly by him. The Committee expresses it's appreciation for his initiative and commitment.
Dengue Control Programme
A well coordinated Dengue control programme was in place in collaboration with Nivasie and many permanent home owners of Victoria Range. Check lists and letters were posted and emailed to home owners with neglected gardens, subsequent to surveys. A shramadana was held by Nivasie with the participation of the HOAEC to coincide with a Dengue week.
The momentum gathered with this program has diminished and will have to be revived by the new Executive Committee.
Social Events
The permanent residents Community is growing. Two successful social events were conducted by the HOA and Nivasie during Sinhala New Year and Wesak. In addition two other social events were organized by the ladies who are residing permanently in Victoria Range in October 2010 and Christmas 2010.
View Point
Nivasie and this Committee has initiated a joint decision to assign the "View Point" as a common area which could be used by Home Owners for their social functions subsequent to obtaining the necessary approval from the HOAEC.
Sub-Committee on Service Fee Dues
Asoka Pilapitiya a permanent resident Home Owner has kindly volunteered to assist Nivasie in collecting Service fee dues. Her efforts are being rewarded and progress is being made. The Committee expresses it's appreciation for her efforts.
Condominium Authority
This Committee has been in contact with the Condominium Authority officials and presented their submissions to be included in the proposed legislation to be enacted for gated communities such as Victoria Range later in the Year.
This Committee has also initiated with Nivasie the following infra-structure improvements some of which are completed whilst others are in progress.
- The rehabilitation of pond 1 and 2
- Two speed humps on Sri Rahula Mawatha
- Additional street lighting
- Additional street name boards
- Lighting at the View Point
- Filling the road edges of Sri Rahula Mawatha
It is my contention that this Committee has achieved a great deal during their tenure in office.
The cooperation and assistance provided by Nivasie is especially placed on record with a special thank you to Herman Gonsal, Roshani Perera, Pathirage Kularathne, Pradeep Manjula and Saman Kulathilaka.
This Commitee has come through some rough waters but has reached it's destination despite these obstacles.
Finally I wish to express my thanks to all the Committee members who gave me their support during a particularly difficult period of instability when two secretaries had to resign due to personal reasons. A special word of gratitude to Santi De Lanerolle the Vice President who was a tower of strength and provided invaluable advice at most trying periods.
I wish the incoming Executive Committee the very best and trust that they will continue the good practices that the earlier two Executive Committees have established with a lot of effort.